First Week of School

1st Week of School – 8/19/19-8/24/19

Welcome back to school!  This will be an exciting week with it being the start of a new school year. Check that you have all materials with you for rehearsal.  Nothing changes because of the start of school.  Materials are:  Band water jug (bring it to school filled), white t-shirt (no other color), athletic shorts and shoes, towel/yoga mat, hat, sunglasses, sunblock, all music and drill in a charged phone, instrument/equipment.  Plan to have outdoor and/or indoor rehearsals.  Please see the Google Calendar for details on events.

For new parents, the band hall will open by 7:45am.  Students can bring rehearsal materials then and put them in their locker or the designated drop off area in Band Hall 1.  It is open for practice and lessons in the mornings and during lunch.  Any items that were ordered, such as, shoes, travel t, etc. will be given out soon if they have not picked them up yet.  Please be patient as parents are working hard to get those items to you.

A goal from our program has for this year, it to have better participation in fundraisers which directly help with your obligations/fees.  The more we fundraise the more scholarships we can provide, the better equipment we can get, the more travel we can do, the more opportunities we have for our students!

Here is the schedule for the week:

MONDAY – 1st Day of School

Before school – 1st day of school schedules/procedures/future tutorials with whatever classes you need

1st Period - Instrumental Ensemble

2nd Period – Music Theory

3rd Period – Instrumental Ensemble

4th Period – Wind Ensemble

6th Period – Symphonic Band 

7th Period – Concert Band/Guard

8th Period – Concert Percussion



Before school –future tutorials with whatever classes you need

8:15am – Leadership Meeting – O.R. (will normally be on Mondays)

8:30am – Drumline gig – Huebner flag raising

1st Period – Instrumental Ensemble

2nd Period – Music Theory

3rd Period – Instrumental Ensemble

4th Period – Wind Ensemble

6th Period – Symphonic Band 

7th Period – Concert Band/Guard

8th Period – Concert Percussion

4:45 – band rehearsal begins

7:15 – Rehearsal ends – see ya 


WEDNESDAY – Flashfund Fundraiser Begins

Before school –future tutorials with whatever classes you need

1st Period - Instrumental Ensemble

2nd Period – Music Theory

3rd Period – Instrumental Ensemble

4th Period – Wind Ensemble

6th Period – Symphonic Band 

7th Period – Concert Band/Guard

8th Period – Concert Percussion

4:45 – band rehearsal begins

7:15 – Rehearsal ends – see ya 


Before school –future tutorials with whatever classes you need

1st Period – Instrumental Ensemble

2nd Period – Music Theory

3rd Period – Instrumental Ensemble

4th Period – Wind Ensemble

6th Period – Symphonic Band 

7th Period – Concert Band/Guard

8th Period – Concert Percussion

4:45 – band rehearsal begins

7:15 – Rehearsal ends – see ya 


1st Period – Instrumental Ensemble

2nd Period – Music Theory

3rd Period – Instrumental Ensemble

4th Period – Wind Ensemble

6th Period – Symphonic Band 

7th Period – Concert Band/Guard

8th Period – Concert Percussion

4:45 – band rehearsal begins

7:15 – Rehearsal ends – see ya 

No Rehearsal today


7:30am – Leadership Meeting

8:00am – Rehearsal begins

12:30-1:30 – Lunch

6:00pm – Rehearsal ends-see ya!

***STUDENTS:Make sure you are passing off your music!  Eat healthy, hydrate and wear a ball cap at all rehearsals!  Pass everything off now so you can march the football performances.  Be ready to work and have fun!  Flashfund Fundraiser starts this week!!  Once you have the info, start getting the word out!

***PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Please VOLUNTEER!  Check out our band website for various opportunities.  In order to do so, you must cleared a background check.  We NEED your help on fundraisers!  Please participate.  Please start using the google calendar for up to date TRB happenings.  You can sync the calendar to your smart phone by clicking the +google button at the bottom right of the calendar at

Let’s have a GREAT week!