Medication Addendum to Travel Consent/Health Form
Due by August 31, 2018
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Permission for the Dispensing of Non-Prescription Medications: Medication for minor symptoms will be dispensed in accordance with dosages prescribed by the manufacturer. Dosages of other items or beyond what is prescribed on the packaging will not be administered.
Medications: All medications for individual students that must be taken must be brought by the student’s parent/guardian to the authorized and trained district employee or authorized and trained parent (RN, LVN, MD, PA, Pharmacist) responsible for the student’s medication. Medications must be in the original container or prescription bottle with proper labeling. All medication must have a note from the parent with specific directions in regard to dosage and times of administration. No student may have any medications (Prescription/Non-Prescription) on their person except as described below.
Emergency Medications/Diabetic Medications and Supplies/Prescription Birth Control Medications: Inhalers, Epipens, Glucagon Kits, Insulin and diabetic supplies or other emergency medications and prescription birth control medications are to be provided by the parents in the correctly labeled prescription container. If requested, permission for students to carry these medications for self- administration must have written physician and parent authorization. New or completed forms that have already been submitted for this purpose at school may be obtained from the RN.
An authorized and trained district employee or authorized and trained parent (RN, LVN, MD, PA, Pharmacist) will administer all medications not authorized for self-administration. Documentation of dates and times of administration and signatures of the authorized and trained district staff or authorized and trained parent (RN, LVN, MD, PA, Pharmacist) will be kept on an official NEISD Travel Medication Record.
Authorization of each medication listed below must be indicated with the parent/guardian signature. No signature will be interpreted as disapproval.